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NewsExhibition “From the Origins to the Nobel Triumph”20.11.2015A large-scale exhibition project devoted to the life and work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (for the 110th anniversary of the famous writer and the 50th anniversary of awarding him the Nobel Prize in literature) is opened on November, 26, in the State A.S.Pushkin Museum within the frames of the Year of Literature in Russia. The exhibition “From the Origins to the Nobel Triumph” from the collection of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will enable the viewers to follow the life of the writer from his birth to the very top of his work. The extensive exposition material gives a glimpse into the “creative laboratory of the writer”, an opportunity to learn about the writer not only in the public and official aspect, an understanding of what is behind the strings of his biography and works. Over 400 exhibits will be on display: unique archive materials, photos, documents, manuscripts and memorial items as well as big ethnographic material associated with the Don country and Cossacks. Among the writer’s personal belongings (some of them are exhibited in the capital for the first time) there are writing utensils, the clock stopped at the moment of this death; a typewriter, which Sholokhov worked at, a pack of Gauloises cigarettes, a cigarette-holder and an ashtray from the writing-table; the writer’s tail-coat and his wife’s ceremonial dress, which were specially made for the Noble Prize awarding ceremony; fishing and hunting tackles… One of the exhibition sections will be devoted to various understanding of the works by M.A.Sholokhov in theatre, music and cinema including four screen versions of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” of 1930, 1958, 1992 and a new version completed in 2015 by S.Ursulyak. The visitors of the exhibition will be the first to see the costumes and shooting materials from this serial film, which premiere is going to be shown on November, 29, on the TV channel “Rossiya”. The finishing touch of the jubilee exhibition will be a “living” voice of the writer reading the final chapters of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. The exhibition opening ceremony will take place on November, 26, at 14.00, in the State A.S.Pushkin Museum, 12/2 Prechistenka (“Kropotkinskaya Metro Station”)
The exhibition will run till February, 1, 2016.
Nina Noskina |