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Exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” in the Public Chamber


The exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the great writer, to the 50th anniversary of awarding him the Nobel Prize and to the Year of Literature in Russia is opened on November, 2 in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

At the opening ceremony, S.V.Smirnov, Chief of the Public Chamber Staff, reminded the audience about the unique contribution into preservation of Russian culture and originality, which could be made only by this outstanding figure Mikhail Sholokhov. He underlined that Sholokhov excellently described the traditions, history and Cossack everyday life, and it helped the Cossacks to preserve their culture and authenticity.

A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, member of the Public Chamber Commission for Culture, presenting the exhibition noted: “The heading of the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” is not accidental. In the whole world the Don is associated with the work of Sholokhov and Russia. These three words, three images, flow into each other, they are inextricably linked.” He wished the site of the RF Public Chamber were bigger enough to lay out a complete exhibition and invited to join the opening ceremony of the big exhibition devoted to Mikhail Sholokhov, which was going to run on November, 27, in the exhibition halls of the A.S.Pushkin Museum in Prechistenka.

The photo enlargements displayed at the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” tell the viewers about the life and work of the great writer, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and its sights, the beauty of the don country, about the work of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The fragments of the documentary film by the Rostov newsreel studio convey the atmosphere of the ceremony of awarding Sholokhov the Nobel Prize in December of 1965 for the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” “in recognition of the artistic power and integrity that he displayed in his Don historical epic about the life stages of the Russian people.”

The exhibition will run on the ground floor of the building of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation until November, 24, 2015.


Valery Yemeliyanov