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Photo Exhibition “M.A.Sholokhov and Kazakhstan”


In Uralsk, the Kazakhstan Republic, an exhibition of the works by Serghey Zhdanov, an Orenburg photo artist, member of the Russian Geographic Society, was opened on November, 11. It was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov.

Sholokhov’s words “I’ve got two homelands – the Quiet Don and the Grey-Haired Urals. At the Don I am a Cossack, at the Urals I am a Kazakh” have become a motto of the photo exhibition.

“My life made me a gift of meetings with Mikhail Mikhailovich Sholokhov, the son of Mikhail Alexandrovich. Together we visited the writer’s favourite places of resting and fishing. Mikhail Alexandrovich was a very busy person, but still he would find time to come to Kazakhstan. Besides the beautiful nature he was attracted here by a sincere friendship and hospitality of Kazakh people, whom he perceived sensitively and in his own way”, – said the photo artist Zhdanov.

The photo exhibition opening ceremony took place in the hall of the Ural Russian drama theatre named after A.N.Ostrovsky. About a hundred works displayed show the original beauty of the West Kazakhstan nature, the sights of the places, where the writer liked to stay for rest, and unique photos from the photographer’s personal archives telling about the life of the Sholokhovs family. Besides, the exhibition displays the photos by Vasily Peskov, a journalist and writer, who often joined S.Zhdanov to visit Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.


Tatiyana Nektova