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The 110th Anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov is Celebrated in Kazakhstan


On November, 11–12, in Kazakhstan, the celebrations devoted to the 110th anniversary of Mikhail Sholokhov and the 50th anniversary of awarding him the Nobel Prize in literature. The holiday was joined by Alexander Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

Many guests came to pay a tribute of respect to the great writer, Nobel Prize winner, the man, who loved the Ural country, including A.Musiyenko, Advisor to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, S.Zabitov, General consul of the Russian Federation in Uralsk, members of the Regional Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, representatives of the “Nur Otan”(“Radiant Fatherland”) Democratic People’s Party, creative intellectuals of the city and guests from Russia.

The celebration began with laying flowers to the bust of the writer. In the A.N.Ostrovsky drama theatre there was held international scientific and practical conference “M.A.Sholokhov and Kazakhstan”, which was followed by the literary and musical composition devoted to the work of the writer.

The festival in musical school 1 named after D.Nurpeisova was joined by Kazakhstan schoolchildren, who devoted their poetry, songs and dances to the theme of Sholokhov. A ceremonial public meeting took place in the square of Uralsk.

A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, took part in the celebrations. He warmly thanked for the meeting and told about the work to prepare for the anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov, about the experience for the present generations to learn from the writer’s work.

“I would like the present jubilee celebrations, discussions, remembrances of the writer to serve the only purpose, that of preventing disunity and separation between peoples”, – A.M.Sholokhov said.

The events devoted to the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov take place in Daryinskoye Village the Zelenov District, where the writer’s family lived in the period of the evacuation. There will take place round-table talks on the subject “Sholokhov and Ural Area” and an international children’s festival of friendship named after Bisen Zhumagaliyev.


Tatiyana Nektova