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Let’s Have a Touch of Old Days


Interactive classes “Let’s Have a Touch of Old Days” are held in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “People’s House”.

The classes are aimed at introducing Cossack traditions to the guests and telling about the life of the Cossacks a century ago.

The class activity takes a game form. The visitors take part in the interactive competitions with enthusiasm: they learn how to use a yoke for carrying water, to serve lunch in the pot with a “rogach” (a kitchen utensil to put a pot into the stove and take it out), to make the linen smooth with a “rubel” (a wooden corrugated board for making linen smooth). They play musical instruments and learn Cossack dances. All the items of Cossack everyday life are authentic and old.

The classes have already been attended by kindergarten children, pupils and students of the Sholokhov District.


You and your friends are welcome to the People’s House.


Andrey Shchebunyayev