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NewsLive On, Forest!20.10.2015It has become a good tradition with the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov to hold tree planting actions and take part in arbor days. This year, the action “Live On, Forest!” was joined by the specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Cilviculture and Mechanization of forestry: S.A.Rodin, Science Deputy Director, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; V.I.Kazakov, general researcher of the Department of Reforestation and Seed Production; Y.N.Lobanova, Head of the Laboratory for Seed Production, a Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. They brought unique seedlings of several sorts of pines, which can successfully grow on hilly sands. As well, there were planted abele, ailanthus altissima, celtis occidentalis, maple Georgian, acer platanoides, oak macrocarpa suitable for growing in the steppe zone, which were brought by the Museum-Reserve workers from the Rostov Botanical Garden. For better survival of the plants there was used a seedling planting technology with closed root system. For the young trees to take roots the museum-workers carefully look after their growth and development. The forest grown by Sholokhov Museum together with the young ecologists of “Sholokhov Source” movement has a significant biological diversity of tree and shrub species, and in future it will be a good attraction for the residents and guests of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.
Svetlana Pyatikova