Fishing Reel
A multiplier fishing reel “Record Ambassadeur” was presented to M.A.Sholokhov in ...
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News“This Eternal Light of Sholokhov…”23.10.2015On October, 30, the exhibition “This Eternal Light of Sholokhov…” from the collection of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will begin its work in the Starocherkassk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The exhibition project dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the great writer and the Year of Literature in Russia will tell the visitors about the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov and about the history and traditions of the Upper Don Cossacks. The life of the Don Cossacks became a historical ground of the works by M.A.Sholokhov, and one of the exhibition sections presents ethnographic exhibits of the early XX century: clothes of Cossack men and women, household items and tools, battle awards which are evidence of military glory of the Cossacks. The manuscripts, books, letters and photo documents tell about the creation of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. One of the sections is devoted to a kind of a creative workshop of the writer – the nature, which was a source of inspiration for him. The visitors will learn about the writer’s hobby – fishing and hunting, about his letters and public speeches in defence of nature, and will feel his reverent attitude to the land and his country. The main awards and prizes, books in foreign languages will tell about the recognition and the world significance of Sholokhov’s works. The memorial things of the writer, little-known photographs and other exhibits from the stores of the Museum-Reserve will be mostly attractive for the visitors.
Nina Noskina