Silver Cup
This cup was presented to Cossack Stepan Lashchilin on the day ...
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NewsExhibition “The World of Sholokhov” is Opened in Prague19.10.2015On October, 19, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve presented the exhibition “The World of Sholokhov” in the Russian Centre of Sciences and Culture in Prague. This exhibition project dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov gives an opportunity for a foreign visitor to learn more about the great Russian writer and makes for a deeper understanding of his works. The main purpose of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Prague, which was opened in1971, is to familiarize the citizens of the Czech Republic with the history and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation, with modern life of Russia and its cultural and scientific potential. The Centre is an overseas office of the Russian Federal Agency for the commonwealth of independent states, compatriots living abroad and for international humanitarian cooperation.
The exhibition will run in Prague until October, 25.
Irina Koveshnikova