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Museum Collection
5 (2%)
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2 (1%)
Don Cossacks
7 (3%)
Natural Monuments
1 (0%)
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204 (91%)
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Let Us Support the Museum Projects in the Competition Final


The festivals “Sholokhov Spring” and “Kruzhilin Toloki” are competing for the First Place in the final of the competition “National Prize in Event Tourism”, and to win we really need your active voting.

At the regional stage the festival “Sholokhov Spring” took the first place in the nomination “The Best Event in Culture”, and the literary and ethnographic festival “Kruzhilin Toloki” won the first place in the nomination “The Best Event in Spreading Folk Customs and Crafts”.

Now the projects of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov will be presented on October, 21–22, at the All-Russian Final of the National Prize, which will take place in Kazan. The Final will be participated by 117 projects from 45 regions.


Dear friends, please, support the Museum projects by your voting: go to the website: http://www.2r.ru/rea , register from your e-mail and vote for “Sholokhov Spring” and “Kruzhilin Toloki”!


We look forward to your help and our common victory!