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The “Material Monuments” collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov is added ...
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News“…I See You have Found Your Job”02.10.2015In 2015, it is the 150th anniversary of Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, the father of the writer (1865–1925). Alexander Mikhailovich was a mercantile clerk (to continue the family tradition). He lived and worked in the villages of Kruzhilin, Karghin, Pleshakov and Rubezhny. Besides his business affairs A.M.Sholokhov was interested in literature, new information about the world events. The books by Russian writers – classics, periodicals – journals, newspapers and booklets, which could be always seen in the house, tell about it. S.M.Sholokhova recalls: “Alexander Mikhailovich, my grandfather, was well read and educated man. He had been self-educating for all his life, read a lot and had a good library…” Alexander Mikhailovich was rather serious about his son’s literary calling: he encouraged Misha’s being fond of reading, talked with him about the books read (including philosophy books and with a kind humour called him “Spinosa”). When the first short stories by M.A.Sholokhov were published, the writer expressed his joy and pride saying: “Serafimovich himself has blessed you. Now I can die in peace, I see you have found your job. The good word of Serafimovich must be necessarily justified”, – he said as if blessing his son for the further writer’s career.
Nataliya Kirsanova |