Steelyard Balance
Many Cossack families used a steelyard balance, a straight-beam balance with ...
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News“…And the Russian Word will Find an Echo in Your Heart”29.09.2015The researchers of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “…And the Russian Word will Find an Echo in Your Heart” dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia. The conference took place on September, 24 – 27, 2015, in Starocherkassk Museum-Reserve. Starocherkassk is an old Cossack stanitsa. It is famous for its centuries-old history and Don Cossack culture. Annually Starocherkassk is visited by lots of tourists, lovers of Cossack antiquity and admirers of folk holidays. There is Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, which is the centre of the Don, Russian and international tourism. The conference members visited the sites of the Starocherkassk Museum-Reserve, the Rostov Regional Museum of Local History, attended the premiere performance in the Don Theatre of Drama and Comedy named after V.F.Komissarzhevskaya – a Cossack drama theatre in Novocherkassk.
Nataliya Kirsanova |