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NewsThe Exhibition “The Horse as Reflected in the Native Literature” Began Its Work in the “People’s House”24.08.2015The halls of the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “People’s House” began showing the exhibition “The Horse as Reflected in the Native Literature” from the collections of the State Darvin Museum and the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. At the exhibition opening ceremony, the first visitors were welcomed by T.Y.Turchin, Deputy Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The displayed exhibits narrate about the horse, a faithful friend and companion of man. The evolution of breeds of domesticated horses is closely linked with the history of the human society development. The horse accompanied man in hunting, travelling, in a battlefield and on a peaceful arable land. It was harnessed to the royal carriages and to miserable peasant droshky, it was dressed in armor, for a horse “half the kingdom was given”. The horses were breadwinners for the poor and a source of pride for the powers that be. The image of a horse is very important for Russia, its culture. It is vividly presented in literature and folk art. The exhibition displays paintings, articles of arts and crafts, ethnographic objects showing the importance of the horse in man’s life. The visitors were greatly attracted by the paintings of an artist A.N.Komarov: each of his canvases is an illustration of a certain literary work; traditional clay toys of different peoples, who since ancient times have worshiped the horse as a cult animal. The exhibition will run until November, 8, 2015.
Irina Koveshnikova |