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The Museum-Reserve Announces a Contest


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve announces a contest of scientific and practical projects of schoolchildren at the XVII Rally of the Children and Youth Environmental Movement “Sholokhov Source”. We invite students of secondary schools, additional education institutions, members of the children’s public organizations of Russia and near foreign countries.


Terms and Conditions

of the International Contest of Research Papers by Correspondence

for Students at the XVII Rally of the Children and Youth Environmental Movement “Sholokhov Source”


The XVII Rally of the Children and Youth Environmental Movement “Sholokhov Source” is purposed for promotion of the literary creative heritage of M.A.Sholokhov, for environmental, patriotic and physical training, and developing environmental awareness in the younger generation.


The Rally is held in 3 stages:


Stage One – a contest of research papers by correspondence


Stage Two – the First Regional Round (towns, districts and countries, which were parts of the Voysko Donskoye Region).


Stage Three – the Second International Round (RF subjects and near and far foreign countries).


1. Organizers:

The Rostov Region Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Sholokhov District Administration and the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.


2. Participants of the research paper contest by correspondence.


2.1. The papers prepared by the students of secondary schools and institutions of additional education, members of the children organizations of Russia and near foreign countries are submitted for the contest.


2.2. The age of the participants is 14 –17.


3. The theme of the research paper contest by correspondence in 2016: “Cherished Natural Areas”.


3.1. Nominations:


- M.A.Sholokhov. Touches to the portrait.

- Cherished natural territories: condition, problems and prospects.

-Rational land use.

- Your own experience in environmental research.


4. Requirements for the papers:


4.1. Only one research paper prepared individually or in a group (not more than 3 authors) from an institution according to the nominations can be submitted for the contest.


4.2. The text of the paper must not exceed 7 typewritten pages (the reference list and illustrations are not included, but estimated as well).


4.3. The papers are to be submitted until February, 1, 2016.


4.4. The research paper should show: the title must indicate the surname and name of the author, school, the theme of the paper; the name, full name, place of work and the position of the supervisor; the address with the postal code and the contact telephone. The work is to be submitted in the soft-copy and hard-copy (the font is Times New Roman 14, the line spacing is 1.5).


4.5. The papers are to be sent to: the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, 41, Roza Luxemburg, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the Sholokhov District, the Rostov Region, Russia, 346270.

E-mail: landshaft_otdel@mail.ru .


5. Assessment of the research projects.


5.1. The jury evaluates the materials in accordance with the contest requirements and determines the winners.


5.2. Criteria for assessing the entries:

- the novelty of the research;

- relevance of the topic;

- your own research experience;

- consistency of presentation;

- informativeness of the work;

- competence;

- bibliography;

- get-up (the title, technique, illustrations).


6. Rewarding the winners.


6.1. The winners and prize-winners of the contest will be awarded diplomas of the winners of the I – III degrees and gifts. The authors of the most interesting works not included in the list of the winners will be awarded the title of Winner of the Contest.


6.2. The supervisors of the contest papers will be marked with Letter of Thanks of the Organizing Committee. 

6.3. The winning teams are invited to the First and Second rounds of the XVII Rally of the “Sholokhov Source” Movement. 

We will be glad to have your works and researches at our contest.


Contact telephones: 

Tel./fax 8(863-53) 24-1-52 Turchin Taras Yaroslavovich, Deputy Director on Environment and Rational Land Use. 

Tel. 8(863-53)24-1-77 Sivtsov Sergey Alexandrovich, Head of the Department on Memorial Landscape Preservation and Environment Monitoring. 

Tel. 8(863-53) 24-1-77 Pyatikova Svetlana Ivanovna, research worker of the Department for Memorial Landscape Preservation and Environment Monitoring.