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Conference “Museum-Reserve: Environment and Culture”


The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Museum-Reserve: Environment and Culture” was held in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. It was organized by the Museum-Reserve under the support of the Rostov Region Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

The conference was opened by A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. He spoke about the work of the Museum, its development prospects, and stressed the importance of the problems to be discussed.

The members of the conference were welcomed by T.Y.Khibukhina, general specialist of the Rostov Region Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; V.V.Fedyayeva, professor of the South Federal University, and S.N.Kruzhilin, professor of the Don State Agricultural University.

The plenary talk “Ecological and Environmental Activities of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov” was made by T.Y.Turchin, Deputy Director for Environment and Rational Land Use of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

The conference was proceeded in two sections working simultaneously – museum and biological ones. The talks were presented by the specialists of the museum-reserves, natural parks and other research institutions and organizations dealing with the study and complex preservation of the cultural and natural heritage. Widely discussed were the problems of environment and culture as integral fundamental bases for the society development, of the study and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage sites, the problems of cultural, environmental and ethnographic tourism and ecological education.

The research papers presented at the conference were of scientific and practical character interesting for a wide specialist community dealing with ecological projects and environmental and cultural problems. The talks were given by the researchers and specialists from the State Memorial Historical, Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserves of A.S.Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”; the Stavropol State Historical, Cultural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve named after G.N.Prozritelev and G.K.Prave; The State Memorial Natural Reserve “Museum-Estate of L.N.Tolstoy “Yasnaya Polyana”; Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve; the Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo”; the State Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve of N.A.Nekrasov “Karabikha”; the State Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Pole”; the State Museum-Reserve of S.A.Yesenin; Natural Park “Shcherbakovsky”; Natural Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve “Divnogoriye”; the Society for the Study of Russian Estate; the South Federal University, North-Caucasian Federal University; the All-Russian Research Agroforestry Institution; the Novocherkassk Engineering and Melioration Institute of the Don State Agricultural University; the Institute for Sylvics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

At the practical seminar on the reconstruction of the water-mills in the historical aspect, the conference members listened to V.E.Yandovsky, Correspondent Member of the Academy of Architectural Heritage, Head of the Institute on Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments “Spetsproektrestavratsiya”, on implementation of the state historical and cultural expertise.

The conference participants visited the natural sites of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, where they learned about the experience of monitoring the preserved natural landscape zones, took part in the literary and ethnographic festival “Kruzhilin Toloki”.

The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Museum-Reserve: Environment and Culture” confirmed the necessity of the further exchange of research and practical experience.


Svetlana Pyatikova
Yelena Soldatova