St.George Cross
Authentic Georgian Crosses of the III and IV degrees are kept ...
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NewsMeeting of the Commission on Culture of the RF Public Chamber in Vyoshenskaya07.09.2015On September, 5–6, a visiting meeting of the Commission on Culture of the RF Public Chamber was held in the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The “round table” discussion was devoted to “Intangible Culture of Russia and Literature as a Way to Preserve It”, which was the subject of the talks by M.Lermontov, Deputy Head of the Commission on Culture of the RF Public Chamber; Members of the Public Chamber – A.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, E.Babrashov, General Director of JSC “Gorno-Altai Tipografiya”; L.Budchenko, Chairman of the Volgograd Regional Branch of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists, and T.Bespalova, representative of D.Likhachov Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, and others. The members of the “round table” stated the necessity of starting the work on developing the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage. And first of all it is necessary to formulate recommendations for the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for establishing the Register to highlight the events bearing a moral “quality mark”. It is time to understand that literature is not only a book, but also a place, that gave such literature. Besides, there is a need to clarify the concept of literacy, to raise it from a simple ability to read and write to the concept of “civic maturity” with a precise definition of certain “markers”, which would show a person’s advancing to the goal – a moral perfection through patriotism and familiarizing with the best examples of the intangible culture of our people. The Members of the Public Chamber and the invited specialists visited the sites of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, memorial paces of Sholokhov country and took part in the VI literary and ethnographic festival “Kruzhilin Toloki”.
Alexey Kochetov |