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Vasily Shukshin. Pages of the Life


On September, 18, 2015, an exhibition “Vasily Shukshin. Pages of the Life” will open in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “People’s House”. The exhibition was made up by the two museums – the All-Russian V.M.Shukshin Museum-Reserve and the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

The visitors will learn about the life and work of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, a writer, film-director, actor, Honoured Worker of the RSFSR, the winner of the State and Lenin Prizes.

The Museum-Reserve of V.M.Shukshin, which is located in Srostki Village, will exhibit personal belongings of the writer, portraits of V.M.Shukshin’s grandparents, very touching and tender letters of Vasily Makarovich to his mother, M.S.Kuksina, who was the kindest, the most equitable and dearest person. His mother’s letter will impress: struck by grief at the sudden death of her son she continued writing letters to him after his death.

Of great interest are the paintings by the artist I.P.Popov (V.M.Shukshin’s cousin), which will show more brightly and fully the homeland, countrymen and relatives of the writer. The artist is the author of the only full-scale portrait of V.M.Shukshin which will be shown at the exhibition.

One of the Exhibition sectors will tell about the mutual relations of Sholokhov and Shukshin. Their meeting took place in Vyoshenskaya, in the writer’s house, during the filming of the movie “They Fought for Their Country”. It left a deep mark on Shukshin’s soul. There are the exhibits from the collection of Sholokhov Museum-Reserve: the writer’s personal belongings, fragments of the film and photographs from the shooting ground, articles of the Great Patriotic War time and others.

You are welcome to the exhibition, which will run from September, 18, to November, 8, 2015.


Nina Noskina