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Sholokhov Museum will Present Its Exhibition in Millerovo


An exhibition “Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will run on August, 20–September, 30, in the Millerovo Museum of Local History. It will present the materials about the life and work of the great writer.

The Museum has a rich collection of photo documents. The visitors will see Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov and the well-known men of literature and art, public figures, countrymen, the writer in his study in Vyoshenskaya, among his family and at rest. The descendants of M.A.Sholokhov gave the Museum many family photo heirlooms of different years. Studying the photos we learn about the writer’s circle of contacts in his childhood, youth and adulthood, about certain persons and families of his friends and relatives.

These photographs is a history now, and if you peer into them with a keen interest, you can understand the soul, the character and the personality of the great writer.

A part of the exhibition is devoted to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, its memorial sights. The visitors will see the beauty and grandeur of the Don nature, originality and heartedness of the Cossack kurens (houses), will feel themselves visiting  Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.

A big section of the exhibition is devoted to the works of M.A.Sholokhov. There will be exhibited early publications of the writer’s short stories and the main work – the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” of different years and publications in foreign languages.

The exhibition “Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will help the viewers to enter into the world of the great writer and feel the time connections: the time, when M.A.Sholokhov lived and worked, and that of the superfast XXI century.


Irina Panchenko