“Sketches of Vyoshenskaya” by A.V. Bogdanov
A collection of pictures by an artist from Vyoshenskaya, Alexander Bogdanov, ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum Invites for “Kruzhilin Toloki”!29.07.2015On September, 6, the sixth literary and ethnographic holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki” will take place in the homeland of M.A.Sholokhov. “Toloki” means any work carried out all together in the village. Each person taking part in the festival will have an opportunity to see a fascinating reconstruction of the life of the Cossack hamlet of the late XIX–early XX centuries to exercise a joy of a friendly collective work and rest and learn many new and interesting things. The guests will be shown a theatrical performance “Field Porridge, or Matchmaking in Kruzhilin”, will take part in field works using old agricultural tools, take lessons of pottery, basket weaving, wood carving, different kinds of women’s needlework, will taste Cossack dishes and hear folk Cossack songs.
You are welcome to Kruzhilin Village on September, 6! |