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Sholokhov Museum at the Festival “Soul Strings-2015”


On June, 18–21, in Stanitsa Romanovskaya the Volgodon District, there was held the XVII inter-regional festival of author’s song “Soul Strings-2015” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and to the Year of Literature. The group of author’s song “Vyoshentsy” was invited by the Festival Organizing Committee to perform in the festival concert.

Following the listening competition among the ensembles of the author’s song the group of “Vyoshentsy” consisted of the Museum-Reserve workers performed at the main festival stage.

The ensemble from Vyoshenskaya was marked with the Diploma for singing the song “Thank God, We are Cossacks” and the author of the song and director of the group S.Gribanov was also awarded the Diploma.

The museum workers L.Gnusina and O.Sivolobova gave creative master- classes for adults and children. They taught the learners to make handicrafts of cotton and mats of grass.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was marked with a Letter of Thanks by the Festival Organizing Committee.


Andrey Shchebunyayev