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“Sholokhov Readings” in Arbat Street


On May, 5, 2015, at the festival “Moscow Spring” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, in Moscow, in Arbat, there were held “Sholokhov Readings”, where TV and cinema stars, and all who wished, recited the passages from the novel “They Fought for Their Country” by M.A.Sholokhov.

The date of the 5th of May was chosen not casually. On that very day, in 1943, the newspaper “Pravda” started publishing the chapters of this novel.

The reciting of the passages was interspersed with a show of the fragments from the Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War and was accompanied by the music from the film of Sergey Bondarchuk “They Fought for Their Country”.


Galina Vorontsova