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In Honour of the 30th Anniversary of the Museum


The jubilee events in honour of the 30th anniversary of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve ended with a big social which took place in the House of Culture of the sanatorium “Vyoshensky” on November, 28, 2014.

On the occasion all the Museum workers gathered there. The scenario was devoted to the stages in the development of the Museum and the contribution of the old and young workers in the activity of the Museum, one of the most dynamically developing museums in Europe.

The audience was greeted by A.A.Rezvanov, the Rostov Region Minister of Culture, A.G.Kurenkov, the First Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment of the Rostov Region, the heads of the northern districts administrations of the Rostov Region, where the territories of the Museum-Reserve are situated (Bokovsky, Kashari and Sholokhov districts). They addressed many good words to the Museum, noted its success and close cooperation, handed their presents to the Museum, and certificates and letters of gratitude to the best workers.

The holiday atmosphere was supported by the bright performance of song and dance groups.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was noted by all the speakers to step successfully into its fourth decennary.


Alexey Kochetov