Sholokhov Photo Chronicle by Georgy Petrusov
A unique collection of 40 photographs by a press photographer Georgy ...
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NewsContest “Daughters of Russia”13.11.2014The contest “Daughters of Russia” based on the materials of the eponymous exhibition of the State Museum-Reserve “Prokhorovskoye Pole” was held on November, 11, in the People’s House. The contest was joined by senior secondary school students of the Sholokhov District. The contest was held in two stages: at the preparatory stage the schoolchildren learned to know the exhibition materials and got primary sand art skills; at the next stage they performed competitive tasks. Developing the task “A Letter to the Front” the contestants immersed into the history to become participants in the terrible events of those times. The best work was that of the team from the Sholokhov School, who wrote a letter from the future with words of admiration for the courage and bravery of the Soviet soldiers and expressed their gratitude for happiness to live in a peaceful time. Another task was “Cartoons and Caricatures” which required being quick and witty in thinking out original captions to the sketches of cartoons and caricatures. Speaking on the points of the exhibition “Daughters of Russia” the children told about the feat of the woman – mother, daughter and soldier, who at the rear and at the front saved people’s lives, kept home, took care of their dearest and gave faith, hope and love. The children expressed their feelings and impressions in sand art picturing. The young artists created images of a mother, a child and symbols of peace protection. The best was the team from the Kalininskaya School. The contest showed a high level of training children, their interest and desire to reflect different aspects of the contest tasks, skills to develop a theme by artistic and technical means. The winners were awarded Diplomas, Letters of Thanks and memorable gifts.
Nina Steblina