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A Conference “Museum-Reserve: Environment and Culture”



Early in September of 2015, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve jointly with the Russian D.S.Likhachov Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Rostov Region Ministry of Culture is going to hold the VI International scientific and practical conference under the theme of “Museum-Reserve: Environment and Culture”.

The conference is expected to be joined by specialists of museum-reserves, national parks, research institutions and organizations dealing with the studies and complex protection of the cultural and natural heritage.

 The Main Areas and Subjects of the Conference:


- Environmental monitoring, rational nature management, protection of flora and fauna on the territory of the museums, museum-reserves, national parks and other cherished natural territories; 
- Experience and prospects of the museum-reserves cooperation with the public environmental organizations;
- Museumfication and problems of preservation of the objects of historic and cultural heritage; unique natural complexes and landscapes, memorials, ensembles and sights;
- Environmental education in museum-reserves, educational institutions and national parks;
- The role of museums in development of the cultural, environmental and ethnographic tourism: problems and development prospects;
-  Landscape art and forest and park management;
- The image of nature in Russian literature; 
- Conservation of biodiversity. Prospects of creating a natural park  “Srednedonskoy”.

The forms of participation (intramural, extramural): talks; poster presentations; round table talk on the theme: “Reconstruction of the windmills and watermills in a historical aspect”.
Travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the participants are to be met in full by the sending office.
Your application for participation and the text of your talk to be published in the conference proceedings (an application form and text requirements are attached) should be sent to the Organizing Committee before April, 30, 2015.

 The Conference Organizing Committee:

Turchin Taras Yaroslavovich, Deputy Director for Environment and Rational Nature Management of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve;
Sivtsov Serghei Alexandrovich, Head of the Department for Memorial Landscape Protection and Environment Monitoring of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve;
Gudzenko Evgheniya Olegovna, a researcher of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve;
Soldatova Elena Vasilyevna, a junior researcher of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

Contacts: 346270. National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. R.Luxemburg, 41, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Rostov Region. Russia.

Tel.: 8(86353) 24177; tel./fax: 8(86353) 24152;
E-mail: landshaft_otdel@mail.ru     .


The timing of the conference will be announced later.
Please, download the application form for participation in the conference.
Please, download the text requirements.


Please, download the application form for participation in the conference

Please, download the text requirements 

Evgheniya Gudzenko