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New Copies of Analogous Books of the Prewar Library of M.A.Sholokhov


Within the frames of the Internet project “In Search of the Lost Library” the Museum of M.A.Sholokhov obtained 36 copies of the books of the late XIX–early XX centuries. They are analogues of the books from the private library of the great writer M.A.Sholokhov. It was lost during the Great Patriotic War.

The Museum collection is added with: K.F.Ryleyev. Collected works. Moscow. ACADEMIA, 1934; V.M.Garshin. Collected Works. S.-Petersburg. Publishing House of A.F.Marx, 1910; H.W.Longfellow. “The Song of Hiawatha”. Moscow. Publisher “Molodaya Gvardiya”, 1931; I.S.Turghenev. Collected works in 12 volumes. S.-Petersburg: Publishing House of A.F.Marx, 1898; H.C.Andersen. Collected works in 4 volumes. S.-Petersburg: Music Lithographic Printing and Bookbinding House of V.O.Nikolayev, 1894; L.A.May. Collected works. S.-Petersburg: Publishing House of A.F.Marx, 1911; E.A.Poe. Collected works. Moscow. Publishing House “Skorpion”, 1911; K.D.Balmont. Collected lyrics. Moscow. Publishing House of V.V.Pashukanis, 1918; N.S.Leskov. Collected works. S.-Petersburg. Publishing House of A.F.Marx, 1902.

All the books, though very old, are in good condition. Each copy is unique being a rarity. Their entering into the book collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov is another step in the recreation of the prewar library of M.A.Sholokhov.


Svetlana Diyachenko