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From Sholokhov’s Home with Love!


It’s great to receive letters or postcards! Such a rather forgotten way of communication hasn’t lost its relevance yet. But to receive them one must first decide and send postcards to somebody, mustn’t he?

In the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov the matter was thought about and it was decided to set up a special letter-box at the entrance of the Memorial House of the writer. Now any visitor, before or after the tour, can send a postcard to his friends or relatives from Sholokhov’s Home. It’s a unique opportunity! This is a joint project of the Museum and the Rostov Regional branch of “The Post of Russia”. This project is expected to be called “From Sholokhov’s Home with Love!”

The world-famous writer received daily about 100 letters, postcards and parcels, and on some days the delivery was about 300 postal items from different parts of the country and abroad. The people wrote to Sholokhov about their personal matters, shared their impressions about the books they read, asked for advice and assistance. And the writer tried to answer every letter.

Now anyone can send a message from the home of the world-famous writer. Make use of this opportunity, and your addressees in any part of the world will receive a postcard from Vyoshenskaya as a small symbolic memorable gift.


Alexey Kochetov