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Welcome for the Holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov welcomes you on October, 12, for the literary and ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”!

Late in the XIX–early in the XX centuries, a fair in Karghin Village was well-known not only in the Voysko Donskoye Region, but also in the neighbouring provinces. One of the organizers was the owner of the local roller mill Timofey Karghin and his family members. The most famous was the fair held on the Pokrov Day – during the holidays of the Voysko Donskoye (the Don Army) and the 12th Don Cossack regiment. The people gathered to sell and buy, to look at others and show themselves, to please children and entertain themselves. The people enjoyed carousel and swing; they were entertained by clowns, circus performers and a circus bear. Eating houses and shops were open to invite visitors, open-sale hawkers offered small goods.

All the holiday-makers have a chance to get 100 years back and see by themselves what the fair in Karghin looked like. The holiday program includes performances of Fair life sketches from the works by M.A.Sholokhov, a puppet show, folk groups, circus performance and strongmen competitions. You can take part in master-classes and contests, enjoy a carousel and swing, visit “Kharchevnya”(cookshop) and “Chainaya”(tearoom) and buy useful and necessary goods in the private shops of Karghin marketeers. During the holiday the guests can take tours about an old roller mill, which was described in the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” and visit an exhibition “Trading of the Early Last Century”.


                                    The Holiday Program


10.00–13.30   Shopping, competitions and games for children, a puppet show, circus performance, strongmen competitions, carousel and swing riding and master-classes.


11.00–11.20     Ceremony of welcoming by the official delegation and guests of honour.


11.20–13.00    Theatrical performance “How Bulls were Sold in Karghin and Kruzhilin” joined by the folk groups. Each visitor can take part in the bargaining and become an owner of two purebred bulls.


 Welcome to the literary and ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day” on October, 12!