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A Relay-Quiz “Forest Tier”


On September, 19, on the eve of the Forester’s Day, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov held a relay-quiz “Forest Tier”. It was joined by over 50 senior students of the Kashari, Bokovsky, Verkhnedonskoy and Sholokhov districts. The students acquired primary skills of the arborist profession and enriched their knowledge of forest.

The guests of honour – E.P.Lukiyanchenko, PhD in Economics, N.V. Ivanisov, PhD in Biology, A.S. Yermolova, a representative of the South European Forestry Research Laboratory, and the workers of the Rostov Region Forestry Department – told the children about the importance of the forest for the human life, about the necessity of its protection and conservation for future generations. E.F.Zotyev, an old worker, told the students about the great contribution of the well-known local foresters into growing forest plantations and forests surrounding Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

The relay-quiz included 7 sites, where the children described the main components of the forest plants, measured the height and diameter of trees, determined the age of trees, thickness of the crown and species composition of trees and demonstrated correct planting of the Scots pine.

The winners were awarded diplomas, presents and letters of appreciation from the Sholokhov District Department of Forestry of the Rostov Region.

The Museum workers hope that the relay-quiz event will help for ecological education, respect for the environment of the home country and influence their choice of profession connected with forestry.


Galina Pichuyeva