Illustrations for the Book “The Fate of a Man”
19 illustrations for M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” ...
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NewsThe II Siberian Museum Forum in Krasnoyarsk29.09.2014A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, took part in the II Siberian Museum Forum held on September, 25 – 26, in Krasnoyarsk. The Forum was aimed at discussing topical questions on development of the museums of Russia and their role in keeping historical memory. The well-known public figures, researchers, cultural workers, museum directors from Russia, Belarus and Poland discussed the most complicated problems of formation, including that by museum means, of the historical consciousness of Russian people. The Forum included a joint session of the presidia of the Union of Russian Museums and the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums. The participants exchanged their opinions about the project “Foundations of the State Cultural Policy”, a project of the Russian Ministry of Culture “Unified Museum Standard”, museums interaction with the legislative and executive bodies, discussed the questions of the optimal combination of traditional techniques and now fashionable interactivities. One of the important events of the Forum was opening the Library of the Russian Museums. 72 museums, including the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, sent their catalogues, albums, literature on methods, conference papers and guidebooks. Now the library comprises about 3600 items. First of all, the Library of the Russian Museums will form museum editions beginning with the editions of the State Hermitage and finishing with the editions of municipal museums. The entire collection of the Library is now being digitized and soon it will be presented in an electronic form. The II Siberian Museum Forum has become an impetus for the development of the intercultural and intermuseum connections, enhancing the role of museums in the formation of historical memory, international dialogue on the most complicated problems of utmost importance for the modern world.
Tatiyana Nektova |