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Virtual Tour of the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov


On August, 1–5, in the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov, a group of specialists from Moscow and St.-Petersburg, and the Museum workers carry out digitization of exhibits to create a virtual excursion.

This is one of the stages of the large-scale digitization of the cultural heritage exhibits of the Russian Federation. The RF Ministry of Culture does this work in realization of the RF Presidential Decree № 597 of May, 7, 2012, and the State Program “Information Society (2011–2020)”. The works are carried out by the State Museum-Exhibition Centre ROSIZO with participation of CJSC “Media-Trest”.

Digitization of memorial exhibits in 2D- and 3D-formats will result in modification of the previously created virtual tour about the Memorial House and Estate of M.A.Sholokhov

 http://eyera.dev.armd.ru/sholokhov/sholokhova_museum.html, and the Internet users will be able to see the Memorial Collection exhibits and learn about their history.

The project is supposed to create viral videos about the Museum, video collections about the Museum Collection and audio excursions.


Ekaterina Karbysheva