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Sholokhov Museum Exhibition is Opened in Moscow


The exhibition “…Pray for Your Children, Quiet Don!” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War will run from August, 1 to October, 19, in Moscow, in the exhibition hall of the State A.S.Pushkin Museum.

The exhibition lays out over 200 exhibits from the collection of the Museum-Reserve of A.M.Sholokhov including photos, books, letters, medals and badges of the First World War, postcards and popular pictures showing Don Cossacks and their feats, illustrations of the famous artists, icons of the XIX century and memorial personal belongings of M.A.Sholokhov including a typewriter, which he used for copying the manuscripts of his novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”.

Sholokhov vividly showed the life of the Don Cossacks during the period of great upheavals in Russia. In depicting the war he continued the traditions of the Russian writers of the XIX – XX centuries trying to convey to the readers the thoughts and feelings of the battle participants, tragedy and senselessness of the carnage that took away the lives of millions of people. The exhibition is aimed at telling about the Great War, of which the 100th anniversary is marked in the world, about the unfairly forgotten heroes of Russia, who were killed in the battlefields of faraway lands.


Olga Bakhtiyarova

Valery Yemeliyanov