A Twisting Device for Loading Cartridges
M.A. Sholokhov was an experienced hunter, good at shooting, he loaded ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum Exhibition in Altai30.07.2014The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve presented its exhibition “He Fought for His Country. The Last Role of V.M.Shukshin” in Srostki Village, the Altai Territory. The opening ceremony took place on June, 25, at the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the writer, actor and film director. L.Chudnova, Director of the All-Russian V.M.Shukshin Memorial Museum-Reserve, opened the exhibition. She spoke about the work of Shukshin over the image of Lopakhin in the film “They Fought for Their Country” by S.Bondarchuk, about the meeting with M.A.Sholokhov in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and underlined that Shukshin was recognized the best actor of 1975 particularly for acting the role of Lopakhin, which became the last for him. T.Turchin, Deputy Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, expressed his best wishes to the people of the Altai Territory from the family of M.A.Sholokhov. He noted that Sholokhov and Shukshin belonged to different generations, but they both were geniuses and great workers, who elevated the word of an ordinary Russian man, and he presented as a gift a rare copy of the book “They Fought for Their Country” with the foreword and autograph of S.M.Sholokhova, a book “About My Father” by M.M.Sholokhov and other books to the Museum of Shukshin. The exhibition was visited by the nephews of V.M.Shukshin – Serghei Alexandrovich and Nadezhda Alexandrovna, by A.Karlin, Governor of the Altai Territory, cinema and theatre actors–N.Usatova, S.Bezrukov, S.Garmash, A.Tsurkan and others. The All-Russian festival “Shukshin Days in Altai” included the XVI All-Russian Shukshin Cinema festival, meetings with actors and writers, Shukshin Readings, presentation of the new 9-volume collected works of the writer with twenty of his stories first published, a theatrical festival of amateur groups “Characters”, a concert “Visiting Shukshin” and other interesting events. The festival ended with an artistic and publicistic program on Piket Mountain, where the viewers were shown fragments of the film “They Fought for Their Country”, listened to the readings from Shukshin’s works and folk songs. The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and Museum-Reserve of V.M.Shukshin continue their cooperation. In prospect are new joint exhibition projects, expeditions to the shooting sites of the film “They Fought for Their Country” and exchange of creative delegations.
Oksana Turchina