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Sholokhov Museum is Preparing for “Kruzhilin Toloki”


A literary and ethnographic holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki” will be held on September, 6, in Kruzhilin Village, the homeland of the author of the epopee novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. The preparation is well under way.

A theatrical performance “How the Villagers Built a Henhouse (katukh) for Lukeriya” will demonstrate traditional constructing techniques. In the Upper Don region an outbuilding for cattle and poultry was called a katukh. All the guests can join the important work of the villagers: to help the Cossack woman, whose husband is at service, to make walls of brushwood and cover them with a mixture of clay and straw. Also, the viewers will learn how to make a roof of reeds.

The work amount being great, the museum workers have already erected the walls and brought clay and roof reeds.

The guests will spend the day in traditional farm and agricultural work of the Cossack village of the early XX century: taking care of cattle and poultry, ploughing on oxen, grinding grain into flour and baking pancakes.

Craftsmen and craftswomen will give their master-classes on pottery, woodwork, basket weaving and different types of needlework.

The guests will be hospitably treated to Cossack viands and entertained with folk Cossack songs.


Welcome to Kruzhilin Village on September, 6!


Valentines Abramovskaya

Tatiyana Nektova