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News“Planeta” Club has Won the XV Rally of “Sholokhov Source”14.07.2014The II round of the XV rally of “Sholokhov Source” movement was held on 9–11 of July, in the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The event gathered the teams from Kazakhstan, Abkhazia and different parts of Russia – Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Rostov-on-Don, Boguchar, Nikolayevsk-on-Volga. The II round of the XV rally was opened with the action “Legends of the Peoples of “Sholokhov Source”. The rally members were greeted by S.G.Bashtura, Head of the Environment Department of the Sholokhov District, and S.A.Rodin, academician in agriculture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who presented Forestry Encyclopedia to each team. The second rally day began with a literary quiz on the work of M.A.Sholokhov. In the forestry relay-quiz the young ecologists showed their knowledge in forestry: they determined the kinds and biometrical parameters of the arboreal species, trained in planting pine seedlings and learned about the Sholokhov District fauna. Then the teams made an expedition to the giant oak of Vyoshenskaya, learned about the sand flora, got to the forest cordon on horseback and made a pleasure boating on the River Don. The tent camp opening ceremony in Lebyazhy Village was joined by A.N. Palatny, Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment of the Rostov Region, A.P.Kudryavtsev, Chairman of the Rostov Department of the All-Russian Nature Conservation Society, A.V. Abakumov, Head of the Northern Department of the State Regional Management of Environment Supervision of the Rostov Regional Committee for Environment and Natural Resources, P.A.Soldatov, Head of the Sholokhov Territorial Sector of the Rostov Region Forestry Department, and T.A.Syadneva, Deputy Head of Local Administration. The young people showed their strength and agility in sport competitions on rowing, cycling and tourism, and their knowledge in the ecological contest. The competition day ended in a bright gala-concert performed by the member teams on the River Don. On July, 11, the teams made their expedition reports, shared their impressions and played sport games. The winner of the II round of the XV rally was the team of the “Planeta” club (Rostov-on-Don) who was awarded the Champion Cup. As well, other teams got awards in different nominations. But the main reward for all the participants in the gathering became making new friends, meeting with old ones, chat and unforgettable experience, which were favoured by “Sholokhov Source”.
Yevgheniya Kharitonova |