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For Restoring and Preserving the Cultural Wealth


The director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, Alexander Sholokhov, took part in the International Festival of Traditional Knowledge which was held in Kenozersky National Park.

The topic of the Traditional Knowledge Festival-2014 is a rustic childhood, so children became its main personages. Welcoming the guests, Elena Shatkovskaya, director of the Park, underlined: “We are all from our childhood, and we cherish our memories of the village home with its special way of life… We all want the same thing – the Russian village, the foundation and essence of all Russian culture, to live long. And the village is alive until weddings are made and children are born, until knowledge and respect for traditional cultural values are handed down from generations to generations”.

The extensive program enabled the adult and young guests to immerse themselves in the northern village life, try themselves in the ancient arts and crafts, participate in the ceremonies and listen to the songs of the peoples of the Russian North.

Alexander Sholokhov, director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, noted sharing his impressions: “The most important thing I saw in the Kenozersky National Park is the process of handing down the traditions, and I am happy to see the children imbibing them with enthusiasm.”

Sholokhov Museum has got an experience of involving children and youth in the traditional folk culture. The literary and ethnographic holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki”, which is going to be held for the fifth time, has become a living textbook of history and literature, a bridge between the present and the past.

The festival members discussed the important problems: how to preserve the folk culture, to incorporate seamlessly the traditional knowledge into modern life and by means of traditions to give impetus to the development of the territories.

To know and love the home country traditions is not just a tribute to the past, but also a necessary condition for preservation of cultural values, an opportunity of harmonious development in the realities of the present day.


Tatiyana Nektova