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“The World of Sholokhov” Invites to Cooperation


The editorial board of the journal “The World of Sholokhov” invites humanitarian scholars, teachers, museum workers, writers – all who are interested in conservation and development of the Russian traditions, to cooperation.

You are welcome with your articles, reviews, essays, works of fiction and scientific and methodological materials to take part in publication of the new periodical, a scientific and educational journal “The World of Sholokhov”!

The journal is aimed to activate the research in the creative heritage of the great artist of the word and relating topical philosophical, moral and aesthetic questions actual for compatriots. The periodical will present modern Russian and foreign Sholokhov scholars, information about their scientific developments and the most significant scientific achievements, as well as emerging literary schools and trends. The journal will publish data about all the important events and the most notable recent publications related to the name of M.A.Sholokhov, thus promoting the edition to be widely used both in research and educational work with university and school students. The main sections of the journal are: “Sholokhov Studies”, “Philosophy.History.Aesthetics”, “Linguistics”, “Museum Management Studies” and “Archives”.

The founder of the journal is the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The periodicity of the journal is 2 issues per year.

Editor-in-Chief: Y.A.Dvoryashin, Philology Dr, professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, the leading scientist of the World Literature Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Chairman of the Editorial Board: A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

Editorial Board: G.S.Yermolayev (Princeton, the USA); N.V.Korniyenko (Moscow); Bogdan Kasanovich (Novi Sad, Serbia); E.A.Kostin (Vilnius, Lithuania); V.N.Krupin (Moscow); V.Y.Kurbatov (Pskov); I.G.Mineralova (Moscow); V.G.Rasputin (Irkutsk).


Please, send your materials by e-mail: mirsholokhova@yandex.ru


Serghei Vasilyev