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NewsNational Museum of Adygea Presents Its Exhibition in Vyoshenskaya.25.06.2014On July, 4, the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “The People’s House” will open the exhibition “The Woman’s World in the Interiors of Historic Memory” from the collection of the National Museum of the Adygean Republic. The exhibition shows the evolution of making up the picture of the world and particular mentality of the Adygean woman. The visitors will learn about the features of education of girls, their occupations, toys, about preparing girls for marriage, about their training in arts and crafts, making their dowries, clothes and figgery, about the ceremony of matchmaking and wedding, about the everyday life of a married woman. Among the unique exhibits there is jewelry, skillful pieces of ancient gold embroidery, clothing including wedding garments, household items and utensils. The exhibition will run until September, 21, 2014.
Valery Yemeliyanov |