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New Entries in the Museum Stock Collection


The stock collection of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is added with the objects of cultural and historical value; they were transferred by the Southern Department of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.

The Museum stock collection was added with 31 objects: antique cold steel arms of the Great Patriotic War period, houseware and religious utensils of the Russian Orthodox Church, awards of the First World War period, coins of the Russian Empire, the USSR and Germany.

As well, the Museum was donated antique books: works of N.V.Gogol published by A.F.Marx (1901), works of V.G.Belinsky published by M.O.Wolf Company and two books “Terms of the Holy Apostles” of the late XIX century.

The houseware was represented by ember samovars of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The samovars bear pictures of exhibition medals, marks of the factory of V.S.Batashov in Tula.

Among the awards donated there is Insignia of the Military Order (St.George Cross IV degree, № 170154) and awards of German and Austrian Empires.

The cold steel arms collection will include German Air Force Officer Dirk of 1937, in a sheath, manufactured in Solingen by “Alcosa” company; and a knife of the U.S.Navy of 1944 – 1945 manufactured by “Robeson Cutlery” company.

The former owners of these items violated the RF Law “On Export and Import of Cultural Property”. At various times the values were confiscated by the customs service and by the court decision they were transferred to the Southern Department of the Russian Ministry of Culture.

The items of cultural value, which came to the Museum, will be examined in detail, deposited in the collections of the Museum stock (according to classification) and then they will be included in the State part of the RF Museum Stock.


Nataliya Tishchenko