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A Discussion of the State Cultural Policy Foundations


A project of “The Foundations of the State Cultural Policy is published on the official website of the President of Russia. This Document is aimed at consolidation of the society. It says about culture in the broadest sense of the word as a fundamental value and a basis of the moral perfection of man. It was designed to ensure the unity of the multinational people of Russia.

The project development was initiated by the President of Russia following the session of the Council for Culture and Arts held in the autumn of 2013. The working group headed by S.Ivanov, Presidential Chief of Staff, includes well-known public figures, prominent actors, leaders of cultural institutions and offices, with A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, among them. During the Document development the working group members held dozens of meetings with the leading cultural figures and carefully analyzed their opinions and suggestions.

The final Document specifies the content of the contemporary State cultural policy of Russia. Culture is endowed with the most important mission: it aims at preserving and passing on to future generations a set of moral and ethical values forming the basis of national identity and realizing to the full its educational potential. The major strategic tasks of culture are: protection and development of the Russian language, support and development of the information environment favourable for the formation of the personality (including the Internet, which is inadmissibly “dirty”), cultural education of adolescents and youth, support of the scientific research in the field of art and culture, development of education in the arts and culture.

The final section goes that within the frames of the existing public administration system the implementation of this cultural policy is impossible, that is why amendments are necessary to the functions of a number of ministries and offices, as well as to the existing normative legal acts governing the relations in the sphere of culture and cultural policy.

The Document having to do with the course of the State is therefore submitted for the public discussion. The foundations of the State cultural policy is the basis for creating lots of programs in the field of culture, education and national policy; and implementation of all the Document provisions is intended for a very long time.

The discussion of the project will last until the end of September, 2014. After analyzing the proposals and making edits the Document will be submitted to the President of Russia for signature.

A complete text of the project “The Foundations of the State Cultural Policy” is available on the official website of the President, on the websites of the newspapers “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” and “Kultura”.

The Presidential portal provides a special resource for proposals and edits from citizens, and everyone can take part in the public discussion of the project. We are given a rare chance to enter a string in the historic document, which aims at unifying the nation.


The website of the President of the Russian Federation: http://state.kremlin.ru/council/7/news/21027

The website of the newspaper “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”:http://www.rg.ru/2014/05/15/osnovi-dok.html

The website of the newspaper “Kultura”:http://portal-kultura.ru/articles/proekt/42343-vospitanie-i-prosveshchenie-grazhdan-na-osnove-traditsionnykh-dlya-rossii-nravstvennykh-tsennostey/ .