Letters from the Archives of B.S.Lashchilin
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News“And Quiet Flows the Don”: the Fourth Film Adaptation Starts23.05.2014A film shoot on the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov is going to start in June, in Vyoshenskaya, Yelanskaya and on the right bank of the River Don. The filmmakers have chosen suitable sites and constructed the scenery. Extensive preparatory work is still going on. S.V.Ursulyak, the film director, repeatedly came to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Besides, the film director previously met with the writer’s family – daughters, Svetlana Mikhailovna and Mariya Mikhailovna, and grandson, Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov. The camera crew visited the Museum sites, travelled hundreds of kilometres about the Upper Don in search of suitable sites of natural settings for shooting particular episodes of the film. M.A.Sholokhov described lots of villages, stanitsas and sights, many of which have survived by now. A.M.Sholokhov and S.V.Ursulyak visited Stanitsa Yelanskaya and Kalininsky Village. The Museum development concept “Open Air Novel” and the program “Visualization of the Cultural Landscape of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve” gave an impetus for the film director to show as accurately as possible, the events described in the novel and those which took place directly in the Upper Don province. In search of a musical design of some film episodes S.V.Ursulyak met with Olga Vasiliyevna Ponomaryova, the head of the Cossack chorus, and with the members of the Antipovsky Cossack chorus. The Museum will provide oxen and horses from the Museum Stables for filming. Viktor Boldyrev |