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The Birthday of Mikhail Sholokhov


The all-Russian literary and folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” devoted to the 109th anniversary of the great Russian writer Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, in Vyoshenskaya, was visited by thousands of admirers of his art.

By tradition, the gala program was opened by children folklore holiday “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki”. It was held on Friday, May, 23, in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where Misha Sholokhov spent his childhood and youth.

In the evening, an artistic and journalistic recital “Testament for Generations” was held in the Palace of Culture of Vyoshenskaya.

The Saturday morning began with a cheerful reveille and marching of folklore groups. In the central square the guests applauded to the folk groups performing on the two stage areas, in the makeshift Cossack kurens guests were entertained, the park alleys turned into a fair of the Don arts and crafts.

In the People’s House of the Museum-Reserve there was held a presentation of the journal “The World of Sholokhov”, the first issue of which had been published by the writer’s birthday. A.M.Sholokhov, Chairman of the Editorial Board, Y.A.Dvoryashin, Editor-in-Chief, and A.A.Dyrdin, Chief Editor, told about the goals and objectives of the journal, the preparation process for its publication.

The festivity is still going on. Excursions about the sites of the Museum-Reserve, attractions working, horse-riding, folk groups performing and festivities in the kurens are in full swing.

The guests are awaited by a gala-concert at the Don embankment, a firework and a disco.

Olga Bakhtiyarova