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Fascinating World of Art


“What has the Picture Told Us about?” – This was the heading of the Museum interactive activities for schoolchildren. They were held in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “The People’s House” at the exhibition “West European Art” from the State A.S.Pushkin Museum.

The children learned about the unique works of painting, graphics, and decorative arts of the second half of the XVII – XIX centuries. They learned about the court painter of Empress Catherine II, a French painter Michel François Damam-Demartr, who lived in Russia for a long time, then, in France, made a series of engraving pictures of Russian cities and genre scenes. His picture “Tobogganing on the Neva. Shrovetide Festivities” two centuries later has become an invaluable historical document showing to modern children a Petersburg Shrovetide of the XIX century.

The best attraction was the work of one of the greatest French painters Jean-Desire Gustave Courbet “Alpine Landscape”. The children were impressed with colours, flatter image in the picture, truthful reproduction of real objects filled with light and air.

In classes the children tried to be artists themselves: they mastered the technique of drawing with a quill pen and learned about the modern art of sand graphics.

Tatiyana Shevtsova