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Vyoshenskaya is Preparing for the Holiday


Preparations for the All-Russian literary and folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” which will be held on May, 23 – 25, in Vyoshenskaya, are going on.

The venues for the holiday events are being arranged well, a water stage on the River Don for gala-concert is being constructed at the embankment of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

Not only necessary conditions for holding cultural program, but also comfortable environment for guests and holiday makers are paid great importance. As well, consideration is paid to the order of vehicle pulling up and parking, accommodation and meal opportunities, security and improvement of sanitary zones.

The holiday is going to entertain over 30 thousand people; the stage performance will join over 2 thousand professional and amateur actors.

The holiday “Sholokhov Spring” is a great attraction for the mass media. TV channels of “Don-TR” and Azov-Chernomor Company will run live broadcasts; a big number of newspapers and journals will send their correspondents to make their pieces of reporting.

We inform mass media, that to apply for journalist accreditation and for getting a pass for vehicles to enter Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, one is to submit an application form to the Press-Centre which is located in the Administrative and Information Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov (60, Sholokhov Str., room 25), tel.(86353) 21-3-77.