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4288 Tourists Visited Sholokhov Museum on May Day Holidays


The life and work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is an everlasting focus of interest of Russian and foreign tourists.

On May Days Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya was visited by groups of students, adult people and individual guests from the Volgograd, Rostov, Voronezh, Moscow and other regions of our country. Among the guests of the Museum there was V.Artyomov, Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region, and V.Ustinov, RF Presidential Envoy in the Southern Federal District.

A group of tourists from Taiwan made a two-day stay in Vyoshenskaya. “Visiting Kruzhilin Village, Stanitsa Karghinskaya and Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya we saw with our own eyes how the protagonists of Sholokhov’s books lived and worked, - Lin Shu Pin, the Head Assistant of the Mission of the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation, said. – The beauty of the Don country, boundless steppes, fresh and pure air and water impressed us a lot”.

Now the Museum is making preparations to receive a traditionally ever-growing flow of tourists on the festival days of “Sholokhov Spring”.

Marina Debur
Elena Ilyichova