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“Sholokhov Readings -2014” will be Held in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya


On September, 10–12, 2014, the international scientific and practical conference “Modern Studies in the Work of M.A.Sholokhov: Problems, Concepts, Approaches” will be held at the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya the Rostov Region (the arrival day is September, 9).

We invite you to participate.

The Topics of the Conference:

-    New approaches to the study in the work of M.A.Sholokhov.

-    Modern interpretations of Sholokhov’s works and images.

-    Trends and prospects of research in the biography, creative and public activities of M.A.Sholokhov.

-    The world recognition of the work of M.A.Sholokhov (For the 85th anniversary of the first foreign publication of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. Berlin, 1929).

-    Studies in the work of M.A.Sholokhov in the university and secondary school.

-    M.A.Sholokhov: foreign and domestic literary scholarship in the XX–XXI centuries.

Application deadline is August, 15, 2014.

Please, indicate in the application:

-    surname and full name;

-    academic degree and title;

-    workplace;

-    position;

-    postcode and address;

-    e-mail;

-    contact telephone/fax number;

-    topic;

-    necessary equipment (multimedia; audio/video and others);

-    need for hotel booking.

The conference will be followed by publication of the collected papers. The materials for publication are to be submitted in an electronic and printed form. The conference organizers reserve the right for selection of the material for publication.

Requirements for papers to be published:

  1. Initials and surname of the author are to be typed in bold lowercase letters. Below – the city; right alignment.
  2. The headings are to be typed in the middle of the line, in lowercase letters.
  3. The heading is followed by a blank line left.
  4. The printing type is Times New Roman, 14 size, the line spacing is 1.5.
  5. Paragraph indent is 1.25 sm.
  6. The margins: top and bottom – 2 sm, left – 3 sm, right – 1.5 sm.
  7. Intratextual notes and footnotes are not allowed.
  8. Bibliography is to be made up according to the reference numbering in the text (at the end of the article).
  9. The heading “Bibliography” or “Bibliography and Notes” is to follow the article, in the middle of the line.

The conference will take place in “The People’s House”: 66, Podtyolkov Str. 

The expenses are to be met in full by the sending office.