A Letter of A.V.Shpak to the Newspaper “Pravda”
A letter of A.V.Shpak, May, 15, 1943. Military Mail 45964-Б
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News“Cossack and Horse” is the Theme of the Festival14.04.2014A horse for Cossack means life and liberty. Indeed, for centuries, Cossack and his steed have always been together in work and in battle. These relationships of man and animal entered into songs, legends, sayings and proverbs. A line from the song reads: ”The steed is dearer for Cossack than himself”. Hardly ever known fact is that on November, 7, 1889, a 30-year-old centurion of the 1st regiment of the Amur Cossack army, Dmitry Peshkov, set out for an individual horseback march and 193 days later, on May, 19, 1890, he reached Saint Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, having covered 8283 versts (8836 km). It was a record taking into account his moving without replacing the horse. Neither rivers, nor mountains, wild animals, severe frosts could stop the brave Cossack, who covered 56 versts (60 km) daily, mostly in winter. A triumphal reception awaited the centurion before entering Petersburg: the last 12 versts he was accompanied by two squadrons of the Life Guards Cossack and Ataman regiments. Emperor Alexander III awarded him the Order of St.Anna of the 3d degree. Later this horse called Sery was presented by D.N.Peshkov to Heir Tsesarevich. The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov decided to emphasize the role of horse in Cossack life by holding an original event – a festival “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack”. It took place on Saturday, April, 12, 2014, in the Museum-Reserve Stables and on the makeshift racetrack near it. The event was joined by the young participants of the environmental movement “Sholokhov Source” from Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, North Ossetia-Alania, Kalmykia, from the regions of Moscow, Belgorod, Rostov, Volgograd, Tambov, and others. They made a sightseeing tour about the stables, took part in games, interactive classes for children and master-classes. The children tried to throw a lasso “on the horse”, competed in knowing Cossack camping details, made decorative hay horses, “shoed” the horse and trained in quick horse mounting. For lovers of decorative art there were organized other master-classes on basket weaving, pottery and artistic painting on wood and ceramics. Opening the festival Alexander Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve, said: “Today is the holiday of the Don horse and we hope to have it annually.” The opening ceremony was followed by a theatrical performance based on the works of M.A.Sholokhov. It was curious for the guests to see everyday life of Cossacks. The public enjoyed horse racing and fancy riding with the use of combat techniques. The best horse riders were awarded. The guests were welcomed to come for this holiday next year. Alexey Kochetov |