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“…In the Hilarious Whirlwind of the Ball…”


The theatrical performance “Charm of Days Gone By…” was held in the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “The People’s House”.

The performance was visited by more than 200 people; they could come back to the time of Lermontov and feel the atmosphere surrounding the poet in his youth and to learn about the ballroom etiquette of the first half of the XIX century.

The audience saw gallant gentlemen and beautiful ladies and heard classic music. As befits, the show was run by the master of ceremonies.

The guests enjoyed dancing, crambo, played games and recited poetry by M.Y.Lermontov, learned fortune telling.

The performance was prepared with methodological and practical assistance of the State Lermontov Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany”.

Lyudmila Gnusina
Tatiyana Galitsyna