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204 (91%)
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Sholokhov Museum Has Won the Contest


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov won the National Contest “Natural Heritage of the Nation”, which was held within the project “Year of Environmental Protection”.

The purpose of the contest was to determine the best innovative ideas in the field of environment protection for their further promotion, development and implementation. The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov presented its projects “Museum-Reserve as an Institution of Public Environmental Education and Awareness” and “Landscapes of “The Quiet Don” as a Site of Biodiversity Preservation”, which reflect the main activities of the Museum-Reserve in the field of environment protection and education of the younger generation.

The papers contain data of monitoring, preservation and maintenance of natural and cultural sites in the zone of the protected natural landscape, identification and registration of cultural and memorial landscapes, formation results of caring attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility for the environment and improvement of the environmental awareness among different age groups.

 Evgeniya Gudzenko