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NewsHis Books Help Us Become Better03.03.2014Admirers of the talent of Mikhail Sholokhov from all parts of the Don region gathered on February, 28, in the Rostov Regional House of Folk Art. And now the wisdom of the great writer helps us understand each other and appreciate our native land. The heartfelt Sholokhov’s words sounded from the stage, reminded again about the intelligent, bright and eternal things, about the fact that only doing good things one can achieve something significant on the earth, that grains of hatred bear only grief and pain: “I bow down and give my filial kiss to your insipid earth, my Don steppe shed with the rustless blood!” The Quiet Don songs performed by the folk group “Volnitsa” directed by Alexander Venglevsky, true lover and keeper of the national Cossack culture, were a living illustration of the great novel, reminded of the difficult fate of Sholokhov’s personages. For 30 years we have been living with an indelible memory in our hearts filled with pride and respect for the great son of the Don land. Alexander Sholokhov, the grandson of the writer and Director of Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, was right to say that we live “with Sholokhov”, with his Word, wisdom and love for the Country, but not “without Sholokhov”; we collate our actions to his spiritual compass. Some of the guests, who were lucky to meet with Mikhail Alexandrovich, shared their memories. Aristarkh Livanov, the People’s Actor of Russia, the Stanislavsky State Prize winner, who acted Grigory Melekhov in the play “The Quiet Don”, told how in the year of the 70th anniversary of Sholokhov, the Rostov actors had been performing for 10 days in the Maly Theatre and gained a great success. “Only such material can favour for growth and rise”, – the actor considers. Lyudmila Khityaeva, the People’s Actress of the USSR, who acted Darya in the film “The Quiet Don” and Lushka in “Virgin Soil Upturned”, said she was proud of being favoured for the role by the writer himself”. “The films after Sholokhov’s works are known and loved by the audience all over the world, and so far the memory of Sholokhov is alive, Mikhail Alexandrovich is alive, too”,– she said. Mariya Odintsova, Honoured Actress of Russia, member of the Don Cossack ensemble, told how deeply Sholokhov understood and appreciated folk Cossack songs, how much he had done to nurture the ensemble, to show the necessity of preserving the old performing manner to A.Kvasov, director of the ensemble. The First Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region, Igor Guskov, underlined: “No one, but Sholokhov, could express the soul of Cossacks, picture our steppe better. And all these, like a living spring, help to live. We must work to make the name of Sholokhov known by far more people, for Vyoshenskaya to become a centre of attraction for all who love Russian culture.” Sholokhov was born and grew up in the Don land, with it he tied up his writing career, it entertained his talent and inspired him. The very name of Sholokhov is inseparable from the great country of the Quiet Don glorified by him. On February days, widely in the Don Region, the great writer was much remembered, spoken about and called “Our Sholokhov”. Really he is a national writer, our near and dear. His books help us become better, clearer at heart, they give hope and return belief. The house was full of young people; the memorial evening party ended in a big concert of Cossack songs, dances and music performed by the unity of folk Cossack groups. The audience entertained the same unity of souls with each heart cherishing love for the great writer and the warmth he has left to all of us. Olga Bakhtiyarova |