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To Revive the Best Traditions of the Russian Theatre


A.M.Sholokhov, Director of Sholokhov Museum, took part in the extended meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Culture and Arts under the President of Russia, which took place on February, 3, in Pskov, and was devoted to the development of the theatre in our country.

It was not by chance that this topic was discussed in the region of Pskov: these places are inseparably linked with the work of Pushkin. There are unique monuments of history and culture, spiritual treasures of our people. The members of the Presidium made their proposals to revive the Russian theatre traditions, develop and maintain the interest for domestic drama and to raise a new generation of viewers with a good artistic taste, who are able to value the art. This work is to be joined not only by figures of art and culture, but by the wide society as well. Here the museums play a specific role; they can become sites for cultural and educational activity to show Russian and world classics to children and youth, to teach them thinking, empathizing and believing in the power of good.

The meeting was the first step in realizing the programs of the Year of Culture in Russia, an important stage in preparation of the State program – the Foundations of the State Cultural Politics.

Olga Bakhtiyarova