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Museum Collection
5 (2%)
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2 (1%)
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7 (3%)
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204 (91%)
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Sholokhov Museum is Exhibited in Finland


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve for the first time took part in one of the greatest tour industry events of the Northern Europe, MATKA-2014 Nordic Travel Fair, which took place on January, 16–19, in Helsinki.

The Finnish name of the exhibition means “travelling”. This is the first big event of tourist industry in the year. The exhibition occupying the area of more than 15000 m2 enabled 20 thousand professionals of tourist business from 76 countries to display their services and opportunities. The event tour programs presented by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov evoked a great interest in the forum visitors. The Museum workers took part in the seminars, briefings and forums, where the ways and prospects of tourism development were discussed.

Participation in the exhibition allowed the Museum to establish new business contacts with representatives of the tourist industry in Finland, Estonia and a number of regions in Russia.

Ekaterina Bulavina